Affiliate Disclaimer

Hi there! Patty here. I’ve created this website/blog with the intention to inform, educate, and entertain you with my ideas, tips, and recommendations. My goal is to always be as honest and transparent as possible and for that reason, I am disclosing here that certain links to products and/or services will earn an affiliate commission if you choose to make a purchase.

However, please keep in mind that when you make a purchase through a link in this website/blog, you won’t be paying anything extra. The company I am affiliated with pays me a commission and compensates me for referring you to awesome products or services that I already use.

I tend to recommend only what I have had any experience with and that had worked for me. For that reason, I am thanking you for using my links to make a purchase for the possibility of earning compensation for my time and effort. It is greatly appreciated! and are both participants in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, the affiliate advertising program designed to provide sites like these, the possibility of earn advertising fees by linking to

Feel free to drop me a line with any questions you may have and I’d be happy to assist.



Medical Disclaimer

I am not a physician, dietician, nutritionist, nurse, or medical professional. In the course of our relationship, I will offer no medical treatments, diagnoses, or protocols.

If you have a medical condition of any kind, you must maintain treatment as prescribed by your physician regardless of my recommendations or advice, or any use of recommended online guides, supplementations, websites, or products.

In the case of medical diagnoses, it is vital to work with your physician to determine the best course of action; and to never replace one treatment for another that goes against your physician’s advice. None of the recommendations, suggestions or written information provided are intended to replace the medical advice of any kind.

Wellness counseling is not a prescriptive service; all consultations written or otherwise should be considered as purely informational and carried out at the individual’s own risk.

The information presented is never intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Full medical clearance from a licensed physician should be obtained before beginning or modifying any diet, exercise, or lifestyle program; and physicians should be informed of all food changes. This is the responsibility of the client.


To your happiness!

Patty Leon